The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences offers a
research-based M.S. in Psychology. Our graduate program is particularly well-suited
to students who would like to obtain additional research experience before starting
their Ph.D. If you are a prospective student applying to the M.S. program, please contact
Joe to find out more about working in the lab.
Current Villanova graduate student? Students in the lab are involved in a variety of projects. Contact Joe to find out more about joining the lab (the sooner the better!). Information for prospective thesis students is available on the Department SharePoint site.
Our lab is always looking for good Psychology and Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience majors (and other majors!) who want to learn more about perception and language. Undergraduate research assistants are an integral part of our team and are involved with running participants, creating stimuli for experiments, and analyzing data. Opportunities are also available for undergraduate students to work on their own research projects in the lab. If you are thinking about applying to grad school, working in a lab will provide you with essential research experience.
We review applications for lab positions throughout the year, and RAs typically start working in the lab at the beginning of the semester. A 4-6 hour/week commitment is required. If you would like to join the lab, please send Joe an email with the following info:
Because several of our techniques require a considerable amount of training (running ERP experiments can take a semester or more to learn), we generally do not accept seniors as new lab RAs, but we are happy to discuss this in exceptional circumstances.
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